The old adage "write what you know" is still true today. You can write about anything. It doesn't have to be your personal experience, but if it is, then that's even better! The only rule for better SEO Adelaide is that you should find something interesting and unique about your topic and share it with the world. 

That being said, there are some instances when writing on a specific topic can help boost your SEO rankings—and not just by adding more keywords into an article or blog post. In this article we'll dive into how one keyword vs multiple keywords affect SEO rankings for blogs & websites

The simple answer is yes, you should focus on one keyword or keyword phrase per blog post for your SEO Adelaide.

In order to rank well in search engines, you'll need to include the keyword you're targeting in your title tag and H1 tag. 

Remember that these are tags found within your page's HTML code and are used by search engines to determine what a web page is about. You can also include it throughout your body copy as well so that it comes up when Google searches for it. 

This can be done by using variations of this term such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives rather than just repeating the same word over again (which would be considered "keyword stuffing"). 

Lastly make sure that this word makes sense with everything else on the page (don't talk about how great shoes are while talking about how bad shoes suck).

But don't be afraid to use multiple keywords.

But don't be afraid to use multiple keywords. Many SEO adelaide experts agree that it's a good idea to include more than one keyword in a blog post. 

This can help you rank for multiple keywords, and if you have enough content about each keyword, it will make sense for Google to consider your site as an authority on the topic.

Here’s how you can include several keywords at once

  • Use the same keyword in your title, meta description and first paragraph. If this isn’t possible or doesn’t fit, use synonyms instead of variations of the same word (for example: “real estate agent Seattle”).
  • Use specific search phrases within headers and subheadings—especially if they're related to other pages on your site—so Google knows what piece of content should be returned when someone searches those terms together. For example: "How To Start A Business In Seattle" could become "Starting A Business In Seattle" because readers who search this phrase are likely looking for information specifically about starting businesses in that city rather than just any business anywhere (which is why including this phrase would help with ranking).
  • Include important keywords throughout body copy by using them naturally not overloading sentences with them — so readers can understand what they're reading without being distracted by repetition or awkward phrasing (elements which could make it difficult for Google's algorithms).

You can use more than one heading tag per page, but it's best to limit yourself to one H1, three H2s and four or fewer H3s. 

This way you'll make sure that each section of your page has a clear title. When people look at a list of inbound links on Google Search Console (GSC) for an example, they see only the web pages' titles as links—and if you have several H2s that all say "Page Title," then that could cause confusion among visitors looking for something specific on your blog post.

If you want to use multiple keyword phrases in your blog post titles, consider using an asterisk (*) or plus sign (+) to separate them. For instance: "How To* Protect Yourself From Cybercrime" would work better than "How To Protect Yourself From Cybercrime".


So, you need to choose the right words and phrases for your blog posts, consult experienced SEO Adelaide services. Plan ahead so that your content meets the needs of your visitors and is easy to find on search engines. You also want them to be relevant enough that people will keep coming back!